
Puppy Enquiry Form
Our Dogs
Show Results
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Older dogs and puppies available
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If you would like to enquire about one of our pups please fill in our puppy enquiry form so we can help find a puppy for you.
We may need to ask you some more questions, this is just to make sure our puppies are going to the right home.
thank you.

E-mail address & phone number
where do you live? Suburb/ State?
How did you find out about us?
What colour would you like?
What sex would you prefer? M / F / Either.
Will you have your boxer spayed/neutered? Y / N.
When would you like a puppy .
Would you be interested in a older puppy or older dog?
Have you owned a boxer before? Please provide information.
Will your boxer be left alone? If so please provide information.
Do you live on a rural property or in residential area & what sort of fencing do you have?
Do you have any other pets? If so please state what type.
Can i pass your email address onto other breeders?

Tallong NSW Australia 2579
02 4841 0669
Jessie Mobile 0421 408955
Morgan Mobile 0401 792606
The content of this site is CopyriteŠ 2007 Bocsavil Kennels.